Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lesson #1: What is Technology?

BIG IDEA:  What is Technology?   Discover what technology is available in students’ lives and in their classrooms and how technology can help them in their daily world. 

DISCUSS:  Discuss how technology is ever changing / how computers looked completely different / how technology is now much smaller and mass produced compared to what it was in their grandparents’ lifetimes

What is technology?
  (definition):  knowledge used to create tools or techniques, develop skills, or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some over-all purpose

 What does technology do for us? 
-helps us solve problems
-makes our lives easier
-extends our abilities to do things

Think about technologies you use every day.  What are some examples?

Think-Pair-Share:  With a partner come up with a list of 5-7 examples of technology:
Some may be school-related, such as binders, backpacks, pens, pencils, paper, and paper clips. Other items may be more personal, such as water bottles, personal stereos, and hair clips. Students may neglect items such as shoelaces, zippers, buttons, fabric, eyeglasses or contact lenses, makeup, and bandages. Discussion should reinforce the notion that humans develop technology with a specific objective in mind.

Compare & Contrast: (Use Graphic Organizer)
Connection to History:  Compare and Contrast the use of technology to life in previous centuries to life now to life in the future

<WATCH VIDE CLIP (4 mins 30 seconds):  Wall-E (You Tube)>
Question:  Would life be better or worse if you had technology do everything for you?  Explain?

TRANSITION:  The point of having a technology class at school is to provide an extension of learning from what you study in the classroom to connect to student lives in the “real world” – every day you use technology! 


-Students will be able to log in and out of their computers
-Students can locate the CTRL, ALT, DELETE, BACKSPACE, AND ENTER keys on their keyboards.
-Students will be assigned an assigned seat in the classroom and be able to locate that seat.
3-4:  (in addition to the above skill set):
-Students will be discover various technologies in a future generation and explain that use of technology.
-Students will work with partners to develop a list of technologies that they use in their daily world at home and at school.
-Students will learn how computers originated and discover how technology is ever-changing.

5-8  (in addition to the above two skill sets):
-Students will be able to compare and contrast technologies to the past, present, and future.
-Students will be able to recognize and define what technology is through discovery.

*Think of a piece of technology that you use at home.  Now picture that technology 100 years from now.  What would it look like?  Draw a picture and explain how this would work.

*How can people take advantage of technology to, in turn, hurt their lifestyles?  Think back to the Wall-E clip. 

Grade 8:  Think of good classroom rules / presentation of classroom rules in the form of using technology next week!  START BRAINSTORMING and being CREATIVE!  Eighth grades need to strive to be an example.  We will work on a digital story of the classroom technology rules to present to the younger grades.