Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December Brain Pop Resources

Brain POP | | The more you know, the more you know!

What You're Saying ...  
@ElkSTEM: Thanks@brainpop for having a great video on the electromagnetic   spectrum. It really helped my 5th graders understand it!   
@ENAconnects: In looking for language presented in a viably visual manner,[Joseph] Whinery found@brainpop and it changed the way he taught.
@cproppe: @BrainPOP is the ONLY app my kids run to find out movie(s) of the day! They are learning so much! BrainPOP App is like Xmas every morning!
@jadag88Got the@brainpop full access app for my dd, & she's loving it! So much to learn, so little time!
Althea Paulette Hernandez:The very first thing my daughter and I do in the morning.... “Pop” our brains!!!!!
Angela Ajit: Best site ever!
Bridget Patterson:
Awesome resource for homeschool!
Dan Knudsvig: My kids LOVE BrainPOP. It is a daily staple at nighttime reading!
Kitty McCoy Johnston : This is a very good site for adults as well as children. Lots of good activities. Fun and educational.
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    It's Common Sense!
    Common Sense Media recommends BrainPOP Jr. in its 2011 Holiday Gift Guide!

    We're App-ealing!
    In its November 4th post "More Fabulous, Free Apps," Teachers With Apps recommends our Featured Movie app and reports that the recent update improves "perfection!"


    Are YOU Registered?
    BrainPOP Educators, our free professional community, is now more than 165,000 members strong! If you're not already registered, sign up today and start taking advantage of its vast offerings immediately! You'll find lesson plans, best practices, video tutorials, professional development, graphic organizers, and much more. Remember, registration is required but it's entirely FREE. 

    December 2011 
    Peace, Love, and BrainPOP
    Happy Holidays From Us to You
    Wishing you a very happy 2012 filled with all good things! Read on for details about free Winter & Snow-themed content, brand-new clip art, deep discounts, gift ideas, free webinars, and more. Season's greetings from BrainPOP!

     Spotlight: Winter & Snow
    Cold Weather, Cool Stuff
    Put a little "POP" in your holiday season! Access to the topics within our Spotlight: Winter & Snow is FREE through January 15th. Spend some quality time with topics like Avalanches, Glaciers, Hibernation, Snowflakes, Winter Holidays, Seasons, and more. For K-3, topics include Arctic Habitats, Winter Holidays, Hibernation, and Seasons. BrainPOP Educators offers a number of related lesson plans as well.

    Design Your OWN Holiday Cards
    Unwrap BrainPOP's Winter-Themed Clip Art
    We're debuting a new feature this holiday season! Visit Spotlight: Winter & Snow to download a selection of winter- and holiday-themed clip art designed by our animators. Use the images in your own cards and classroom art, then share your masterpieces on BrainPOP Educators. We can't wait to see the end results!  
    Note: In orer to post on BrainPOP Educators, you'll need to be logged in to it. If you're not yet registered, sign up today - it's fast, it's free, and it'll let you participate in our new special interest community forums. 

    Seasonal Discounts
    Save 20% on Family Subscriptions

    But wait, there's more!  Through January 15th, save 20 percent when you purchase a Family subscription as a gift for your own family or another. Just visit Spotlight: Winter & Snow to take advantage of the offers. 
    As always, we're here for any questions you might have. Get in touch.

    New on GameUp: BrainPOP's Food Fight
    Eat or Be Eaten ... It's Free!
    Lions. Aardvarks. Vervet monkeys. Termites. What's on your dinner menu tonight? We've debuted our new game " Food Fight," designed in-house at BrainPOP and now playing on GameUp. "Food Fight" takes players deep into the Serengeti, where the only way to survive is to build the right food web. It's a desert out there, after all! Related topics include Food Chains, Land Biomes, Savanna, Ecosystems, Mammals, Symbiosis, Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, Elephants, and more.
    Launched in June, GameUp is BrainPOP's newest feature. It offers a collection of cross-curricular, online game titles from leading game creators like the Space Science Institute,®, iCivics, and Filament Games.

    "Food Fight" Breaks Out in the Classroom
    Great Ideas Thrown Around
    In conjunction with the launch of our aforementioned new game, weinvited you to test-drive "Food Fight," share your thoughts in the BrainPOP Educators Gaming forum, and tell us how you were using it with students. Forum member Stonewallap_teacher opted to use the game as a writing prompt and said, "I think I may have fallen into a trance!" Taclark likened the Serengeti's ecosystem to that of the school and sparked a class discussion. And Jenniethom let her students go head-to-head in battle, then had them draw about living things. These winning submitters shall receive a coveted BrainPOP tee! Find out what other great ideas teachers had about "Food Fight"; visit the Gaming forum and chime in. 

    National Game Day at BrainPOP
    Our Workshop With E-Line Media
    RUGame11, the professional development event we co-hosted last month with our friends at E-Line Media, was a hit! More than 30 educators gathered at our New York City headquarters on November 12th - National Game Day! - for several hours dedicated to game design. Read more and see some highlights on BrainPOP Educators.  

    Virtual Global Education Conference
    Andrew and Howard Gardner
    As part of November's virtual Global Education Conference, our own Andrew Gardner, BrainPOP Educators' Senior Manager, had the privilege of interviewing his father Howard Gardner. Howard is a leading expert on the theory of multiple intelligences; among the topics he and Andrew discussed were education in a globalized society and the impact of digital media on education. Catch the interview.

    Se Habla Español 
    Bev Fine Blogs
    Attention English teachers in Latin America: there's a new guest blogger in town! Bev Fine, Editorial and Outreach Director atBrainPOP ESL, is now contributing a weekly guest post to BrainPOP Maestros, the educator community of BrainPOP Español. Bev plans to cover a range of topics relating to language teaching. 

    December Webinars
    Log On and Learn
    Our free webinars take place on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm EST unless otherwise noted. New subscribers, join us December 7th for We've Got BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. Now What?!" and learn the ins and outs of all BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. features. On the 14th, Allisyn Levy and the team from our partner Filament Games host " Getting Game: An Inside Look at Educational Game Development." Rounding out 2011 is " iRespond and BrainPOP" on the 21st, featuring Chris Haon of Murdock Elementary School in Marietta, GA. Chris shows you how easy it is to use these two resources together and engage students on a whole new level. 

    Get more details and RSVP for these webinars - space is limited.  
    Did you miss a past webinar? We   archive all of them!

    Questions or comments about our webinar series?  Post them in our new webinar forum! Interested in sharing your expertise by hosting a webinar? Send an email

    Spotlight: Famous Scientists
    Plastic Tubes and Pots and Pans
    This month, experiment with our Spotlight: Famous Scientists, featuring topics from Ada Lovelace and Thomas Edison to Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton and beyond. K-3 students can learn about Alexander Graham Bell and George Washington Carver. Plus, take advantage of our related lesson plans.
    New Content and Curricular Tie-Ins
    Go to the Movies!

    The Latest on BrainPOP:
    ♦ Seedless Plants (updated!) 
    Curriculum Connections
    Keep this list of BrainPOP movies handy, and check the BrainPOP Educators online Curriculum Calendar for additional tie-ins.
    ♦ December 7: It’s a day that will live in infamy. Pearl Harbor was attacked 70 years ago today, leading the U.S. into World War II.
    ♦ December 8: On the anniversary of John Lennon's death, remember him with our Beatles movie. 
    ♦ December 10: Ada Lovelace, the woman often credited as the world's first computer programmer, was born today in 1815. Plus, show our movie on the Nobel Prize and discuss the prestigious awards on the day they're given out. 
    ♦ December 11: Don't space out! Apollo 17 - the last of the Apollo space program - landed on the moon today in 1972. Apollo Project(BrainPOP) and The Moon (K-3) tell you more.
    ♦ December 14: Now this is cool - really cool. Roald Amundsen and his team of explorers reached the South Pole on December 14th, 1911. 
    ♦ December 15:  Mark the 1791 ratification of the Bill of Rights with BrainPOP's Bill of Rights movie and, for K-3, George Washington
    ♦ December 16: How do you take your tea? Discuss the impact of the Boston Tea Party - which took place on this date in 1773 - with ourAmerican Revolution movie. It's also Beethoven's birthday - the famed composer was born in 1770. 
    ♦ December 17: They had the Wright stuff! Orville and Wilbur Wright's first successful flight took place in Kitty Hawk, NC on this date in 1902.  
    ♦ December 18: Our Immigration movie can help foster a discussion about International Migrants Day. 
    ♦ December 20: Happy Hanukkah! Explore the Jewish Festival of Lights and other seasonal celebrations with our Winter Holidays movies on both BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr.
    ♦ December 22: Welcome, winter. Usher in the new season withSolstice and Equinox (BrainPOP) and Winter (K-3). 
    ♦ December 25 & 26: Happy Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa! Learn more about these holidays with Winter Holidays on both BrainPOP andBrainPOP Jr.  
    ♦ December 27: Got (safe) milk? French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur was born today in 1822. Watch our Pasteurization movie and talk about his contributions. 
    ♦ December 29: On the anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre(1890), help kids understand this dark day in U.S. history. 
    ♦ December 31: Make sure our movies on Fireworks (BrainPOP),Winter Holidays (K-3), and Calendar and Dates (K-3) are part of your New Year's Eve celebration!
    ♦ January 1: Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. Let our Slavery and Lincoln movies (on BrainPOPand BrainPOP Jr.) be the first you watch in 2012. 
    ♦ January 3: Today in Computer History ... Apple Computer was incorporated in 1977. 
    ♦ January 5: On National Bird Day, give a shout out to all fine feathered friends out there with our Birds movie!