Monday, December 19, 2011

Top 50 Teacher Blogs

50 Must-See Teacher Blogs Chosen By You

This is part of a series of ‘Best of 2011‘ posts where we share some of the best education-related materials of the past year. Be sure to check back on a regular basis as we’ve got some pretty exciting stuff coming soon!
During a recent chat with fellow Edudemic writer Terry Heick, we discussed the purpose of blogs. In a world of social media and connectivity, what role does a blog play for teachers? Is it worth having one?
Then I started surfing my usual haunts on the web. I quickly realized that the blog is actually the home base of basically all of the biggest users of social media. It’s a place for authors to craft their thoughts in long-form statements that wouldn’t be possible or appropriate for social networks. It’s also become quite apparent that some of the best articles I’ve read all year were on teacher blogs. I try to feature them as often as I can on the @Edudemic Twitter account so many of these names shouldn’t be new to you. Every blog below is a fantastic resource that you should add to your chosen RSS reader.
Each of these blogs was nominated for an Edublogs award (Edudemic was nominated in the ‘group’ category) for being the best individual teacher blog of the year. Be sure to cast your vote for your favorite. In the meantime, start working your way through this epic list of content creators!
  1. 100 Scope Notes – Travis Jonker
  2. A Fuse #8 Production – Elizabeth Bird
  3. A Journée in Language – Brad Patterson
  4. A Principal’s Reflections – Eric Sheninger
  5. Action-Reaction – Frank Noschese
  6. An A-Z of ELT – Scott Thornbury
  7. Angela Maiers – Angela Maiers
  8. Authentic Teaching – Willy Cardoso
  9. Blogging through the 4th Dimension – Mrs. Ripp
  10. Blogush – Paul Bogush
  11. Child Central Station – Amy Ahola
  12. Close Up – Ceri Jones
  13. Cool Cat Teacher Blog – Vicki Davis
  14. Dangerously! Irrelevant – Scott McLeod
  15. Delightful Daily 5 Cafe – Laura Komos
  16. Design for Learning – Dean Groom
  17. English Raven – Jason Renshaw
  18. Film English – Kieran Donaghy
  19. Free Tech For Teachers – Richard Byrne
  20. for the love of learning – Joe Bower
  21. Hack Education – Audrey Watters
  22. Happy Hooligans – Jackie Currie
  23. iLearn Technology – Kelly Tenkely
  24. Integrating Technology – Kathleen Morris
  25. Ladybug’s Teacher Files – Kristen
  26. Languagemoments – Dale Coulter
  27. Langwitches Blog – Silvia Tolisano
  28. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day – Larry Ferlazzo
  29. Learning Technology Leadership – Darcy Moore
  30. Learning with e’s – Steve Wheeler
  31. Let the Children Play – Jenny Kable
  32. Librarian by Day – Bobbi Newman
  33. Moving at the Speed of Creativity – Wes Fryer
  34. My Island View – Tom Whitby
  35. Neverending Searchh/ – Joyce Valenza
  36. Read. Write. Connect. Learn – Will Richardson
  37. Squigglemum – Catherine Oehlman
  38. Stump The Teacher – Josh Stumpenhorst
  39. Teach Preschool – Deborah Stewart
  40. Teacher Reboot Camp – Shelly Terrell
  41. Teacher Tom – Thomas Hobson
  42. Teaching Literacy in the Early Years – Kelly Jordan
  43. The Art of Presentation – Jeremy Harmer
  44. The Blue Skunk Blog – Doug Johnson
  45. The Clever Sheep – Rodd Lucier
  46. The Scholastic Scribe – Mrs. Scribe
  47. The Shanker Blog – Matthew Di Carlo
  48. The Tempered Radical – Bill Ferriter
  49. The Unquiet Librarian – Buffy Hamilton
  50. What Ed Said – Edna Sackson
  51. wwwatanabe – Tracy Watanabe